Turn that rainy day into an awesome day!
Rainy day? Well today is YOUR day to turn someones day around and yours!!!
How you ask? It's simple!!
:) Pay for someones coffee
:) Tell someone you like their outfit
:) Open a door for them
:) Text a friend that you are thinking of them
:) Make a random call to someone you havn't talked to in a while
:) Pay it forward today, someone did you good, pay it forward today.
Here is something I myself have done that not only made someone else's day but mine also!!
While in the parking lot 2 ladies next to me were gettting ready to put lots of plants and mulch bags into the womens 'nice, clean, spotless car in the trunk. I noticed the car owner was a little hesitant and probably wasn't thinking about the dirt and I knew I had an old towel that I keep in my car for things like this and thought to myself. 'Yes, I can always put another towel in my trunk later'. I got my towel, asked the ladies if they might want my towel to keep to protect her new car and they both were so surprised and so grateful. Wow did THAT tiny action put a huge smile on both of their faces and totally made their day. The woman's response, "Oh my goodness you just totally made my day! Thank you so much! I will pay this forward!"
Did I do it to be recognized? No. Did I expect anything in return? No. I did it out of the kindness of my heart, I thought about someone else other than myself.
My point is, Don't get so focused on your own issues and close your eyes to what others may be facing, no matter how large or small the issues may be. Today, I found someone with a small issue but by reaching out to help, this tiny gesture totally made their day and the woman's response was priceless. Now she too will 'pay it forward' and hopefully then next person will too.
See how easy it is to change someone's day around.....and yours too!!
#bekind #smile #payitforward #helpothers #randomactofkindness